About Dogs Love Running!
We've got pets of our own and we know how important they are. And, to us, it's a really big deal to put our pets in the hands' of others. It's probably a big deal to you, too. That's why we want you to get to know, like, and trust us.
And although it just naturally takes time to get to fully trust someone, perhaps the facts that we've got tons and tons of raving fans and a "Small Business of the Year" award will help us earn your faith that you can put your trust in us.
On top of all that, you should know that we started this company with the mission to Make Pets Happy and to make a difference by helping pets live longer and behave better. If you like the sound of that, then you're probably a lot like us in what we value and how we conduct ourselves and our business.
You should join our happy little "tribe" of people. You'll be glad you did. And so will your pet.
See More Of What We Do:
See Us On This TV News Segment:
More About Our Founder:
John Reh (president of Dogs Love Running!) John did the whole "corporate thing" for about 11 years. Most of that time was spent as a recruiter helping people find jobs in the computer industry. With an MBA from DePaul University, he had started a successful recruiting company, but it wasn't much fun (that's un understatement).

So, he put together an equation of what "fun" looked like and Dogs Love Running! was the result. John is now on a mission to bring "fun" to you, your pet, and anyone else that wants to be a part of this crazy little company. His favorite color is blue, favorite book is Atlas Shrugged, has done 3 marathons and 4 triathlons, plays the drums and piano, and is especially fond of pretty much any sporting dog breed, as well as Bulldogs and Sphynx cats.